FAQ: Creating a RafikiNet Manager role

It is sometimes necessary to perform administrative actions that you don’t want ordinary users to be able to perform, for example changing or deleting a sales or payment transaction.

In for a user to be able to perform these functions it must first be assigned the “RafikiNet_Manager” user role, this document shows the steps needed in order to do that.

[WARNING: For security reasons, it is strongly recommended not to use an existing administrative user for this function but instead to create a special user that will be used only for this purpose.

  1. Login as “admin” or another user with the “RafikiNet_Administrator” role assigned.
  2. Create a new user following the instructions [Note: this will link to another document showing how to create a new user]
  3. Click on the “Links” drop-down menu on the upper right hand corner of the screen and select “Administer User”
  4. From the user administration screen, select “Assign Role to Users” from the User Administration box on the right hand side of the screen
  5. Click on the “RafikiNet_Manager” box under the “Roles Assigned” label at the top of the screen. You will now see a list of the email addresses of all the users currently assigned this role, or “No results found” if no one has been assigned this role yet.
  6. On the right hand column, you will find a list of the email addresses of all the users currently defined. Check the box for the user to assign the role to.
  7. Click the “Assign Selection” link above the right hand column, you will now see the user listed in the left hand column. That user has now been granted the “RafikiNet_Manager” role and its associated privileges. It can now be used, for example, to delete sales transactions.

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